Aiyelabowo Oluwamuyiwa Peter, Ph.D
Chief Lecturer
ND, HND, MEng. (Elect/Elect Engineering), PhD. (Comms and Network Engineering)
Chief Lecturer|ND, HND, MEng. (Elect/Elect Engineering), PhD. (Comms and Network Engineering)
Electrical Engineering
National Diploma & Higher National Diploma
Research Interest
Awards & Honours
Teaching Areas
Selected Publications
- Aiyelabowo O. P & Mathew T. O, (2019). Relay Selection Strategy for Improving the Performance of Broadband Over Power Line Cooperative System International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI), 8(10), 1-8.
- Aiyelabowo O. P., Ojo, B. A., Fadare S. A., & Mathew, T. O., (2018), Development of Prompt Inferno Reporting System for Curbing the Losses of Fire Outbreak, SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering ( SSRG – IJEEE ), 5(12), 1 – 7.
- Michael, A. E & Aiyelabowo, O. P., (2018). Enhanced Resistor Value determining System, Saapade Journal of Management, Science and Technology, 2(1), 28 – 33.
- Aiyelabowo O. P., Aduwati, S., Samsul, B. N. & Noordin, N. K., (2016). Performance evaluation of Power Line Cooperative Communication System, International Journal of Computer Science and Networks (IJCSN), 2(6).
- Aiyelabowo O. P., Aduwati, S., Samsul, B. N. & Noordin, N. K., (2016). Outage Probability Assessment of Power Line Cooperative Communication (PLCC) System, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 3(4).
- Aiyelabowo O. P., Noordin, N. K., Ikpehai, A. & Adebisi, B., (2015). Cooperative Relaying In Power Line Environment: A Survey and Tutorial, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 3(5).
- Aiyelabowo O. P., Ng, C. K., & Noordin, N. K., (2014). Power Line Communication (PLC) Impulsive Noise Mitigation: A Review’, Journal of Information Engineering and Applications, 4(10).
- July 7, 2019
- Olabiyi, O. S, Aiyelabowo O. P., and Keshinro, O.T, (2013). Relevance of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) for Effective Skill Development among Technology Education Students in Nigeria, Journal of Education and Practice, 4(21).
- Olabiyi, O. S, Benjamin, O. O. & Aiyelabowo O. P., (2012). Managing the Challenges of Industrial Work Experience Scheme in Developing Workforce among the Youths in South-West Nigeria, British Journal of Arts and Sciences, 4(2).
- Aiyelabowo O. P., and Benjamin, O. O., (2011). Entrepreneurship for Poverty Alleviation: Construction Industry Perspective, Lagos Journal of Entrepreneurship and Technology, 1(6).
- Aiyelabowo O. P., (2010). Assessment of the Impact of MPPT in the Overall Performance of a Photovoltaic Inverter, Journal of Science and Technology Research, 9(4).
- Aiyelabowo O. P., & Jiya, J. D., (2009). Development of a Microprocessor-Based MPPT Program, Journal of Engineering and Earth Sciences, 3(2), 1 - 10.
- Jiya J. D. & Aiyelabowo O. P., (2006). Design and Implementation of a Microprocessor-Based Inverter with Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic applications’, Journal of Engineering Technology.
Conferences Attended
- Aiyelabowo, O. P., (2018). Improving Channel Capacity in Power line cooperative communication system for Economic development in Africa ’, Commonwealth Association of Technical Universities and Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA) 40th Anniversary International Conference, Nicon Kuxury Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria.
- Aiyelabowo, O. P., Akingbade, L. O., (2018). Harnessing the Potentials of Power Line Communication for Rural Broadband Provision’, 60th Anniversary and Annual Conference and AGM of The Nigerian Society of Engineers, KADA 2018, Chida Event centre, Utako, Abuja.
- Aiyelabowo, O. P., Aduwati, S., Samsul, B. N., N. K. Noordin, (2016). Selective Relaying for Reliability in Power Line Cooperative Communication System, 4th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communication (WINCOM2016), Fez, Morocco.
- Aiyelabowo, O. P., Aduwati, S., Samsul, B. N., N. K. Noordin, (2016). Channel Capacity and Outage probability Investigation of Selective Relaying in Power Line
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- Cooperative Communication System’ 12th NIEEE International Conference and Exhibition on Power and Telecommunication (ICEPT2016), Jos, Nigeria.
- Aiyelabowo, O. P., Aduwati, S., Samsul, B. N., N. K. Noordin, Adebisi, B., (2015). Reed-Solomon and Convolutional Codes on Modulation Schemes for Power Line Communication (PLC), International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Communication Engineering (ICRACE2015), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - The IIER Excellent Paper Award for Category of Best Presentation / Best Content at 25th IIER International Conference.
- Aiyelabowo, O. P., (2016). Relay Cooperation for Improved Symbol Error Rate Performance in Power Line Communication System, Proceeding of International Conference on SET (COLENG2016), Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. 196 - 207.
- Mbamaluikhem, P. O. & Aiyelabowo, O. P., (2016). Towards Introducing Pump Storage Hydro for Sustainable Rural Electrification and Energy Poverty Eradication, 13th National Conference of Academic Staff Union of Polytechnic (National), Kano State Polytechnic, Kano.
- Ojo, B. A. & Aiyelabowo, O. P., (2016). Development of Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle’, 5th National Conference of Academic Union of Polytechnics, Ilaro, Ogun State, 16th – 18th October.
- Michael E. A. & Aiyelabowo, O. P., (2016). Equipment Protection: A Panacea to Repositioning Technological Education, 5th National Conference of Academic Union of Polytechnics, Ilaro, Ogun State.
- Aiyelabowo, O. P., (2016). Cooperative Relaying for Channel Capacity Boosting in Power Line Communication, 3rd National Engineering Conference, School of Engineering, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
- Aiyelabowo, O. P., (2010). Skill in PCB; Panacea to Poverty Alleviation, 1st National Engineering Conference, School of Engineering, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro.
- Aiyelabowo, O. P., (2008). Assesment of 3G Network in the Development of Nigerian Telecommunication, 8th National Conference, Academic Staff Union of the Polytechnic (National), The Federal Polytechnic, Bida,
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- Aiyelabowo, O. P., (2007). Design and Construction of an Electronic Ballot Box: Towards a Better Electoral Process, 2nd National Conference, Academic Staff Union of Polytechnic, Ilaro.
- Titiloye S. and Aiyelabowo, O. P., (2007). GSM: An Overview of Technology and Impact on Economic Development, 3rd Annual Engineering Conference, School of Engineering, The Federal Polytechnic Bida.
- Titiloye S., Titiloye Y. A., and Aiyelabowo, O. P., (2007). Steel Technology in Nigeria: Evolution, Problems and Future, 3rd Annual Engineering Conference, School of Engineering, The Federal Polytechnic Bida.
Summary of Profile
Aiyelabowo O. Peter is senior lecturer in the department of electrical/electronic engineering of the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. His teaching experience spans over a period of thirteen (13) years in the areas of electronic and telecommunication engineering. He has eleven articles in revered journal both locally and internationally and fifteen (15) articles in local and international conferences. He has two awards to his credit, the best Post-HND award (Kaduna Polytechnic) and excellent paper award by the International Institute of Engineers and Researchers (IIER). His training in both the Polytechnic and University positioned him well for effective curriculum delivery in electronics and telecommunication. His research area is in wireless communication and power line communication.